the hand of a sourdough bread baker is seen kneading the dough

billow sourdough startup class

Ready to book a truly unique evening at the Billow kitchen? We host private events for 8 to 25 people and welcome your friends, family and/or work groups. Join us as our Head Foodie, Curtis, guides you through the steps to create the bread that’s been enjoyed for centuries.

billow bread at home

After class, use the links below in your own kitchen. We hope you’ll enjoy baking Billow bread as much as we enjoy baking it for you. As always, we’d love to hear from you! Reach out if you have any questions, and happy Billow baking!

a jar of sourdough starter sits on a wood carving board

sourdough starter

Ready to use your Billow Sourdough Starter? Click the link below for a printable instruction sheet.

a freshly baked loaf of sourdough is held up to view

baking instructions

Let’s get baking.
Click the link below for printable instructions for your Billow sourdough loaf.

share the billow bread love

We want to see your Billow bread!
Email us or tag us on Instagram at
@billowrva with your pictures!